Download Microsoft Date And Time Picker Control 6.0 Sp6

  1. Date And Time Picker Javascript
  2. Microsoft Date And Time Picker

I need to add a Calendar Date Picker in Excel2013. I thought that this would be easy until I found that the MonthView and the DT Picker are no longer in the ActiveX menu and the links for a CAB file that supposedly contains these does not work. Cid sony tv serial episodes free download hd. The king of fighters 2002 unlimited match ps2 iso. There are some seemingly excellent instruction docs out there, but they rely on a control that doesn't exist. I currently have a Excel Addin that does what I want, but I want to do this with VBA rather than install the Addin on every machine that will use this. Any ideas?

Feb 24, 2015 - Installing the Microsoft Date and Time Picker for VBA. Some versions of Windows don't include the very useful Date and Time Picker control. To start with, you'll need to download this file from the Microsoft support site. Check the box next to the entry for the Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0.

  • This section contains information about the API elements used with date and time picker. And time picker (DTP) control to a given date and.
  • Dear guys, The Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP6) not listed in the 'More Control' list. And I'm not able to use the datepicker.
Don DesrosiersDon Desrosiers

4 Answers

Once you have registered the mscomct2.ocx control (YOU WILL NEED TO REGISTER THIS FILE ON ALL COMPUTERS THAT WILL USE THIS WORKBOOK!), you can either add one of below controls in the Worksheet or in a UserForm:

  • Date and Time Picker (DTPicker), left/top of screenshots
  • MonthView, right/bottom of screenshots


  1. In Developer tab, Controls group, click Insert, then bottom rightbutton for More Controls.
  2. Scroll down and select Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP6) or Microsoft MonthView Control 6.0 (SP6) then click OK.
  3. When you are out of Design Mode, clicking on the DTPicker control is like this, while the MonthView takes more space:


  1. In the Toolbox for the UserForm selected, right click on empty space of the Controls tab, click Additional Controls
  2. Scroll down and tick Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP6) or Microsoft MonthView Control 6.0 (SP6):
  3. Now the controls are in your Controls tab to add on UserForms
  4. Default size of the controls on UserForm:
In either way, you will need to implement the actions when you click on these controls.
Download Microsoft Date And Time Picker Control 6.0 Sp6

I have used mscomct2.ocx file to use a date picker in excel.You need to register it and can then easily use the date picker


Some users may not have the ability to use your DatePicker if their Excel is not formatted correctly. I developed code that will create a dateGetter userform, get the user's date selection as a Global variable, and then delete the form. It should be compatible with most systems, though I haven't tested it on others than my own. Give it a shot. If it works for you, give me a shout out..

Date And Time Picker Javascript

John MugginsJohn Muggins

Microsoft Date And Time Picker

Using DTPicker (Date Picker) element in VBA Excel Module makes your work unsharable. That happened to me many times. I usually share my works with mates and they weren't able to proceed whenever they have been encountered with DTPicker missing library problems.

Installing Microsoft Common Control 2 SP6 and then Register its service is not an everyone's cup of tea. So, Instead of using DTPicker element, I have developed my own Date Picker which is more convenient, easy and applicable. No ordinary love lyrics.

here's the link to the Form File.

Steps to use this Form

  1. Import it
  2. Now, in your USERFORM, in Date area (textbox), execute my form file with double-click event.
Kamal BharakhdaKamal Bharakhda

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